Intercepting Text Message from Your Child’s Phone


Last week I was trying to intercept my child’s text message without letting him know and I was hardly able to do it. The main purpose behind intercepting his text messages was monitoring. I wanted to check if something weird is going on. While doing some research on this topic I came across a cell phone monitoring app called Phoggi. This application is used for monitoring cell phones.How to Intercept a Text Messa


For starting the intercept procedure

you have to download and install Phoggi on the target phone. Then from a remote computer you can start intercepting the text messages of the target phone user.

Why Intercept a Text Message?

Kids become a lot smarter than we th

ink. These kids have started using phones in such a way that we never dreamed of. Some of the kids are taking cell phones to their school and use it for cheating in exams. Our kids can also become a victim of cyberbullying. To get hold of such situations we need to intercept our kids’ phones.

What Else Can Be Monitored Along With Text Messages Using This App?

The best thing about this app is that you can also monitor several other activities of the phone. You can monitor call logs, internet browsing history, bookmarked web pages and captured photos. There is another feature of Geo location tracking, you can track the location of the targetphone user in real time and this application keeps record of all the locations that the targetphone user has visited.

Is Intercepting A Text Message Using Phone Applications Legal?

It generally depends on whose messages you are going to intercept. If the person whose messages you are going to intercept is your employee or your child then its completely legal.

How Much Does It Cost To Start Monitoring My Kid’s Phone?

If you download Phoggi cell phone monitoring app it’s going to cost $64.99 for one full year and if you calculate the per month pricing it’s around $5.45 a month.

Remember once we hand over the phone to our children then it will become difficult to monitor the use of the phone. Its better to install cell phone monitoring app on their phone before handing them their phone.

Categorized as Spy Phone